Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Loughie son of Bowznstuff

Hi it's me again Loughie, I am the son of Cree Oliver head of Bowznstuff a company that makes Bows and Clothes. Check it out if you want little girl's clothes, any size anytime [not unatural though like in a hour] the most elaborate dresses on the web. So I hope you go and subscribe. If you want great dresses you know were to go!


  1. Wow Loughie! Thanks for the Shout Out!

  2. hi Loughie! I just want to say I am very impressed with your blog and enjoy reading about you! I'm a big fan of your mom and I know shes very proud of you! Keep up the great work!!!! Robin Wright (all the way from the state of Maryland in the USA!)
